Motion Design Trailer Comics
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We had the opportunity to work on a motion design video in groups of two to build a giant video for the “Tintin” comic series. Each group had a sequence to create on one of the books of the series.

My partner and I got the “Blue Lotus” and we decided to represent the dragon from the cover of the book (as the story is talking about China) who appears through chinese ink on a textured paper.

The black ink and the red background give the video a dark side to represent the anxiety-inducing in that book.

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We had the opportunity to work on a motion design video in groups of two to build a giant video for the “Tintin” comic series. Each group had a sequence to create on one of the books of the series.

My partner and I got the “Blue Lotus” and we decided to represent the dragon from the cover of the book (as the story is talking about China) who appears through chinese ink on a textured paper.

The black ink and the red background give the video a dark side to represent the anxiety-inducing in that book.

Rotonde Quartier Mazarin Cour Mirabeau Palais de Justice Mairie Grand Théatre

I’m Valentin Goncalves, aka Neyiox, and I live in France at Aix-en-Provence.

I’m a Graphic Designer and Visual Artist with more than 10 years of experience in image editing.

Passionate by supernatural things and cinematographic universe, my work is mainly inspired by movies and fantasy.

I’m focusing on making visuals and images to blow your mind and awaken your magical soul.

Get in touch !